Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello From Battambang!

Well we made it! We arrived in Battambang, Cambodia Saturday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. Our travel went pretty smooth. We are definitely glad to be here and not traveling =) This morning our team split up in to two different groups for church. One group went to Rapha House Church and the other to Four Square Church (which hosts an orphanage we will be working with). Linda was able to share her testimony at the Rapha House and Brandon preached at Four Square. After church we went through a series of orientations to prepare us for the ministries we will be a part of. And right now the team is on a scavenger hunt to figure out the city on motos =) and are enjoying every moment!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. We are recovering well from the time difference and enjoying all all the new food we are experiencing. Please continue to pray for divine appointments. During our intercession times we believe God wants to do miracles and an out pouring of His Holy Spirit. So please be praying for these and that we would be quick in obedience to the Lord. Thank you again for joining with us in prayer and please know we are holding you all in our hearts and praying for too. =) Have a good day!


  1. Great to hear from you guys! You're in my/our prayers!

    -Todd D.

  2. Sounds exciting! We can't wait to hear about all that the Lord is doing in and through the entire team! We are continuing to lift you up in prayer! Lee and Sandy Anderson
